
I travel the world developing
<digital projects/>

I can help you build your dream while living mine.

🎓 Expert in the implementation of platforms for the creation and sale of   Online courses

My clients are professionals, schools and small companies who want to publish their Online Courses. Through this WordPress-based platform, with the same ease with which you manage your pages, you can create and sell your content online. It has an advanced ECommerce module and is compatible with the most used online payment methods around the world.
I worked for 10 years implementing ELearning projects for different companies and organizations. I am a co-founder of the specialized consulting firm: Campus724.com, where I implemented platforms for the training of more than 180,000 students.

Web Designer & Developer


I have more than 15 years of experience working in Web Design and Development. My specialty is the implementation of WordPress websites and Online Courses projects.
Latest projects implemented:
sunnyju.com | tantrawithanita.com | journeytoyourhearts.com | kind-awareness.life
elisacaro.com | nirodhayoga.org | ecstaticafestival.com | angelaembodiedyoga.com innerawakeningjourney.com | tantraheartonline.com

📸 Photographer & Filmmaker

I always had a passion for photography. Since 2010 I started to professionalize myself through different courses. Today I use the creation of photos and videos as a complement to the websites that I run and as an exchange in retreats and trips.
I edit in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Premiere.
You can see my portfolio of photos in 📷 facebook.com/pg/GonzaloSantosPH.
And my portfolio of videos in 🎞️ youtube.com/gonzantos.

🌍 Digital Nomad

At the beginning of 2017 I started a great journey that has already turned into a dream lifestyle: I continue to work on different web projects remotely while getting to know new places around the world.
Some places I've been in the last few years: Granada, Seville, Barcelona, Rome, Venice, Sicily, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Liverpool, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Koh Phangan, Goa, Arunachala.
More info on my blog: gonzalosantos.com.ar/blog

"Amo esta Isla" en Tailandia, India, Bali, Buenos Aires y España

✉️ Let's work together. Contact me
